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Tuesday 28 December 2021

Ailments from,origin of Disease,cause of Disease and Homoeopathy

Ailments from,origin of Disease,cause of Disease
and Homeopathy
Probable disease diagnosis and it's treatment part in homeopathy.It's very very important thing is disease diagnosis.A physician with scanning eyes to the patient  indicates his sound knowledge.A simple thing e.g A dry cough without  expectoration indicates differential diagnosis may be due to allergy, sinusitis,acid reflux etc.Now physician have to diagnose what is reason behind it and what to be medicine is to be given considering with other complaints also i.e totality.Now see many of physician missed giving importance to examine a patient, clinical sign and symptoms of disease.And here disease means not been in the ease.Here it was related to the duration of disease it's prognosis with line of treatment.In homeopathy duration is very important since when patient is not been in the ease, events happened or triggering point of disease I.e ailments from is favorable thing for prognosis of disease with proper selection of remedy.
              So here it is to be considered by the physician that what is to be given to the patient not only by seeing reports examining patient, with only therapeutic indication is that the medicine given is suitable. Here patient have suffered from diabetes or hypertension physician have to find whether this complaints started due to some incidence I.e. someone's death,fright,shock or financial losses or its may be deception of sufferer,what exactly is the cause behind the suffering is very very important.That is why homeopathy is not only a science but it's an art to find a total genetic makeup of patient and what exactly the medicine is to be given.

So be in touch with
Dr Chintamani's Homeopathy
Sainath Homeo Clinic
Kalyan west

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Helping Homeopathy

In todays condition how is the homeopathy fight against the diseases.Lots of does and don'ts and panic situation also controlled with the effective homeopathic treatment. Also weakness fatigue and deterioration of health can be restored by taking proper history of patients and not only symptomatic but as told by our master's it acts deeply considering the man and not the disease only.People gets frustrated and they are not willing to be give history but here in time being a homeopathic physician is serving to be grateful for humanity.

Sainath Homeo Clinic H-14 Sanghavi estate near vani vidyalaya and Cinemax Birla College road Kalyan west

Monday 16 December 2019

Bright side of of health

Of course you can come to homeopathic consultation for natural and permanent cure which is brightest side of health science and now there is query that how it is? In my previous blog I have explained how it was beneficiary it's circumstances regarding various types of diseases to be treated and possible cure.Here not to compare with other options but only related to homeopathic consultation.Now a days homeopathic medicine's have been used on human as well as veterinary and on crops or plants too successfully by many practioners.
                               Here I will try to explain only ten useful points about the homeopathy.Firstly it was helping to restore the immune system & dysfunctional or deficiencies and activating immune system to fight various bacterial ,viral or fungal and many more infectious diseases. Secondly possible cure is complete with restoration of vital energy,after taking homeopathic medicine correctly patient feels better and fresh as like before the disease how he feels. Third it was simple medication with single remedy.Fourth it acts deeply and roots out completely unhealthy status. Fifth no more do's and don'ts about intake of food only few like coffee, mint, menthol strong stimulating thing's are to be avoided. Sixth treatment given by medicines are made from natural resources and proven on to the healthy humans.Seventh patient not only got free from disease but he feels mentally better and stable. Eighth many of the diseases got cured naturally where there can be a surgery is required. Ninth toxins are eliminated from body with better functions of excretory system. Tenth there is Smile and Satisfaction on faces of both physician and patient

Stay connected to the
Sainath Homeo Clinic
Dr Chintamani's Homeopathy
H-14,Sanghavi estate, near vani vidyalaya and Cinemax, birla college road,kalyan west


Saturday 18 May 2019

Dynamic properties of Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic medicine are prepared from wide range of substance available in the nature, e.g.plants,minerals,nosode,poisons,metals etc.
Dynamic properties of homeopathic remedies depends on the type of substance,it's properties and the immune system of patient.Source of remedy or medicine prepared is to be calculated that how deep it was going to act, if medicine is from animal poison or metals
Its pathology is deep,where that of mineral is less,again plant or flower is below it.This is pathological aspect but dynamical is related to the vital force or immune system of patient and potency of the medicine which is higher or lower.
       Somewhere it was considered that homeopathic medicine takes too long time for cure,but it depends on pathological, vital power, course of disease, maintaining factor of disease etc etc.If disease diagnosis is perfect with total history of patient and type of remedy prescribed is covering all totality of symptoms, with the unprejudiced observation of physician
then cure is possible in the required process of time.
            A boy age of 6-7 years is on allopathic medicine with repeatedly suffering from pneumonia and admitted frequently. He was well recovered but  again relapse of the complaints after certain period of time.Cough reflex is not enough strong which removes cough leading to its accumulation and the pneumonia.Due to reduced vital power child not able to remove cough.
      After taking totality and cause of disease remedy was prescribed.After  long duration of 1 and 1/2 year he was absolutely normal.To develope the strong cough reflex and strength of lungs,a plant remedy is given has taken long duration for total cure.
            Remedy prescribed is Lycopodium

Sainath Homeo Clinic
Sanghavi estate near Vani vidyalaya and Cinemax
Birla college road Kalyan west 421301
Contact no:-9890396049


Friday 18 May 2018

Diet exercise and homeopathy

In our day to day life who cares about the diet and fitness? Many of us are doing routine work neglecting the important things easily and became careless about the health.For natural harmonious functions of internal organs it is necessary to make out the changes.First and least important thing is time of diet as well as its quality  e. g. vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, calcium, iron, fruits and juices all nutritional value containing food is necessary.
    However it's our intestine who decides what to take and what to excrete or leave. Now for an anemic patient healthy diet is good for health,if a patients appetite is lowered due to some of the stress, grief sometimes bad news or depression or anxiety etc, here homeopathic remedy is required to clear all the obstacles of mental as well as physical disease causing diminished appetite or anemic condition of the patient.And secondarily exercise or activity, not the overactivity or physical exhausting task leading to negligence towards the health, an rest is also important equal to our daily business.
                  Diet is directly related to regular metabolism, it's irregularities leads to the illness or disturbed health.An obese or overweight patient is also a result of this disturbed or irregular metabolism.So regular exercise or activity like morning walk helps to improve the digestion as well an enthusiastic vital energy.Many of the simple activities like dance, yoga, Gymnastics etc help to sort out little bit of complaints.

If a patient goes with persistent  exercise or activity along with the homeopahic medicine then it became easier to get rid from tough illness and more actively in given period or time.

Be in touch with 

Sainath Homeo Clinic,H-14,Near Vani vidyalaya and Cinemax Birla College road Kalyan west


Tuesday 13 March 2018

Homeopathic logic of triple 'S' formula is just not a magic.

Homeopathic founder Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in his book of organon given a formula of cure by homeopathic remedies in a "Single, Simple,Similimum"way.
               Why single remedy?
In many of other faculty of medical field medicines are given in a combination,for different parts and for different symptoms.In homeopathy medicine prepared from sources e.g. Nat mur prepared from salt that is Nacl,sodium chloride is from pure source and not admixed with the other elements or given in combination.And this medicine is proven on healthy human being and record is prepared.Same medicine is used in homeopathy in 18th century as well as today by homeopathic physician,not being altered like 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation of antibiotics or allopathic medicines or became useless outdated after a certain period of time.

Now why simple and similimum
Medicine are simple in diluted form,
Stimulates vital force/immunity.
Physician usually prescribes remedy on given laws of homeopathic prescription.Similimum means like cure like considered with totality of symptoms.

A case of female patient age 55,complaining of Acidity, headache, trembling of hands and feet, heat flushes and profuse sweating after menopause.Past history of malaria and IBS,taken antacid tab Rekool.Endoscopy revealed normal, very much known sensitive to medicines.
                                                        Here I got Similimum of complaints sensitive to medicament
Ailments from menopause
And single remedy Pulsetilla 30 is prescribed,simply without any prejudice.And on the subsequent 2 to 3 follow ups she was absolutely normal with all the complaints.

Be in touch with
Sainath Homeo clinic, H-14
Sanghavi estate, near vani vidyalaya and Cinemax,
Birla college road KALYAN west
Timing 6:00pm to 10:00
Ph no:- 9890396049

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Homeopathy in psychology and counselling

In day to days life people are facing issue's in their life and getting stressed due disturbed routine,loss of sleep, night watching due to day and night shift,frequently change in timing of breakfast, dinner etc.living in artificial environment, and problematic relationship due to distressed, exhausted life,and nutritional deficiencies, with too many day to day different times of issues and disturbances.
                                                Now here How Homeopahic physician or Homeopathy helps you?
                                              Yes definitely helps you.Homeopathy is not limited science,here every homeopathic doctor are considering the life history and patients total immune system not limited to parts only, and what and where is the disturbance it's root cause not only to physical complaints but also mental complaints or it's disturbance and it's solution in term of medicine and also sympathetically relates with counselling of the patient also.It have been seen that many of the patient bonds psychologically with homeopahic doctor for his solution.
                 Here patient gets free from disease, free from psychological issues where he or she need not to pay for counselling, free from side effects etc etc.. I treated a patient suffering from esophageal stricture which also suffered from psychological issues where she got quitt  or indifferent from his family and surrounding .does not replied during even while case taking ,looks like end of life.After giving homeopathic medicine Kali-m considering his history and totality, in next interview she replied like yes /no
with improved appetite and digestion. Here I have not done counselling to patient but with her relative to how to handle the patient which help to sort out from all the issues.
                                           Here get connected to the

Sainath Homeo clinic
Sanghavi estate, near vani vidyalaya and Cinemax, birla collage road Kalyan west
ph no:-9890396049,7039168178

Consultation by prior appointment